Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"I do".

Like Lao Tzu once said, "being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage". Today I witnessed such an act of courage, an act of love from two young individuals that have had quite the journey before this day.

When I entered the room, I saw how lovely my cousin looked. She looked gorgeous with all her makeup done, her flowing white gown, down to her frizzy-free, flawless hair, yet that still didn't take away from the reality of the situation - she's only 18. At 18, she has made a commitment that as a bride and a mother, one hopes is everlasting. She held her groom's hand and walked down the aisle into the main room filled with her loved ones, smiling as she looked around, taking it in that in a few minutes she was not only going to hold the title mother, but she would now be a wife. The ceremony was beautifully pure, and just honest. What really got to me was the following line from her speech at the dinner, which was: Te amo, nada mas, y quiero ser feliz a tu lado.(I love you, nothing more, and I want to be happy by your side). The look of sincerity in her eyes, and the sound of genuineness in her voice, showed me just how much this day meant to her. Today she sealed her future with a kiss, and strengthened her own family more than ever.

A part of me still can't believe it. I recall when I met her in 2010, she was only 15 - taller than me, but the look in her eyes and her personality just screamed youth. Now she's 18, with her own family, and a big future ahead of her. I wish her the best, as a wife, a mother, a daughter and as an individual. Everybody deserves a slice of the happy pie, and surely she has a great one cut out for her ☺

How right must it feel to stand before all the people you care about, next to the man or woman you love the most, to look them right in the eyes and declare your love for them in the most respectable way. To me, legally and emotionally binding yourself to someone represents your incredible love for them. If someone wants to marry you, it is because they accept you for all that you are and all that you are not. They want to spend the rest of their life trying to figure you out, loving you, supporting you, and yes - fighting with you. Contrary to popular belief, fighting in a relationship is suppose to happen. It's okay if it happens. Differing opinions is what makes the world go round, but you must also know how to see eye to eye, to accept different opinions, to be open-minded and to try to fix a situation, not make it worse than it is. Relationships are meant to have ups and downs, so not only will we shed tears of joy and happiness, but tears of anger and sadness. It is inevitable. Sometimes the person we love can drive us out of ever-loving mind, but they also hold the power to magically put a smile on our face, even when we couldn't imagine it possible. Their arms will be the arms we seek to be held with in our saddest moments, their words of comfort and love will be the words we yearn to hear when we feel like we can't go on, just as their presence will be the presence that we are hoping to be right by our side in our most cherished moments.

True love isn't easy. It's not like how you see it in the movies. True love is real, with a balance of happiness and hardships. I believe that true love occurs at the right place, at the right time. You should be with someone that makes you happy more often than not, not with someone that creates pain, instead of laughter. Sadly, sometimes it doesn't work out.  Every so often, two people love each other, but it's just not meant to be. The Mr./Mrs. Right-For-Nows teach you things that will strengthen you and help form you for when Mr. or Mrs. Right comes along. From each trial, there is something you learn. :)
It's amazing, isn't it? How somewhere out there, roams a person that will love us for our grouchiness, stubbornness, indecisiveness - for all the things we don't like about ourselves. Perhaps it is a person that you already know, someone you don't picture yourself with - or someone you've already loved but somehow gone your separate ways. It doesn't matter, for in the end, true love will prevail.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Your battle, our freedom.

Today I was watching a fantastic film called The Lord of the Rings. I didn't watch it completely as I had other chores to do, but I came in before the battle scene where the good guys (Aragorn, Pippin, Merry, Gandalf, Legolas, etc) were going to fight the dark-hearted, evil creatures.

The scene alone was very powerful. It was so powerful that it made me do a text-to-world connection. I thought about all those immensely brave soldiers that have seen their death, have come face-to-face with it, and tried to deny it victory. I thought about the incredible loyalty and faith that they must've had, to remain at their post, in formation, to not run and quake, but to stand firm with their brethren and head onward. What dedication and everlasting allegiance must they have had to their leaders and their country. I honestly can't even imagine what it must've been like for them to have seen the things that they have seen, to see the life of their companions leave their bodies at the strike of a sword from the "enemy". I sigh because personally, I believe war can be avoided. Yes, there are some matters that do require violence, that requires us to risk our lives and protect what we know and love, to do what is right. But, if there are matters that turn into arguments, that turn into wars - all because of a simple disagreement that could've been worked out - then that just involuntarily forms a frown on my face.  I believe that people can meet half way. Everything isn't just black and white. People can choose to open their minds and see other perspectives. In the following link, Martin Luther King expresses his wise thoughts on war, a definite must read: Words from The King.

Like President Kennedy once said, "Mankind must put an end on war or war will put an end on mankind." As ridiculous as it sounds, sometimes our words can influence someone or a group far more than our weapons. Individuals like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks made differences without violence. Their only weapon was their intent for the greater good of the masses.

Before ending this post, I want to thank all the selfless individuals that have fought for our country, for our liberty, for our families, for us to live a beautiful tomorrow. I want to thank all the families that have had to bid adieu to their husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, daughters and sons, fathers and mothers - to their loved ones, for they have been so ever strong. I want to thank all the friends and family that have given those soldiers their love and support from a distance, that prayed a little prayer every night so that their solider could make it home. I say a little prayer with you.
I want to thank any and all those that have honored and remembered fallen and current soldiers. Your gratefulness is one of  the things that empower them to do what they do.

A solider doesn't necessarily always go out into battle, but they contribute their time and their life to the army, time spent away from their loved ones and although their wounds wouldn't show on their bodies like a typical solider you picture, their wounds can be internal (ie. doctors, nurses).

If you see a man or woman in uniform, know of, or have a friend who's father or mother, or brother is in the force - turn to that person, and thank them. Thank them from the bottom of your heart, not just for what their loved one does, but for them being strong.

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others". - Nelson Mandela

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Nelson Mandela
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_freedom.html#3fcR8MAwSe34wrQy.99

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Look good to feel good ☺

I'm probably one of the few people that I know of that is really into face care. I do it for myself, not to impress, not because I'm vain, but because I personally am not a fan of imperfections on the face and if I can take care of them myself, then I will ☻
My view on face care is that it is very important and should be an essential part of your every day routine. The face holds so many target areas to work with - under your eyes, around the mouth, your nose, your forehead and your face. Depending on your situation, you could be battling with dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, wrinkles, dull skin, acne (ie. blackheads), etc. We live in a world where first impressions can be everything, so if you can look your best, why not do it? Unfortunately we, as the human race (generally speaking), initially base our opinions on others on their appearance, rather than one's manners, behavior, intelligence and personality. We don't meet someone with our hearts, we meet them with our eyes, so it is understandable as to why we are the way we are. But, that still doesn't change an infinite fact - it's what's on the inside that counts.
Secondly, I think that it is critical to feel comfortable in our skin. When you look good, you feel good. That statement doesn't just apply to your face, but to your body (so always eat healthy - but more on that later!). Apart from looking good on the outside, feel good on the inside. If you're not happy internally, it'll show externally.
Growing up, I reall always seeing my mom exemplify an excellent face care routine. Even now, she still holds that same dedication. In grade eight, I was hit hardest with the unlucky stick. That was the first time I started dealing with acne. I remember freaking out and not understanding what the heck was going on, and as a female teenager about to begin highschool the following year, I knew I needed to fix this problem fast! I looked online (google was my best friend then!) for a solution: "how to get rid of acne". Then came a bunch of at-home solutions, that to be frank, I didn't really have the patience for then. I wanted something that was created soley for the purpose of my problem, that would almost guarantee me results, not just a waste of time. I remember going to the mall and just looking around at stores that could hold the answer to my prayers.
Now this is where The Body Shop comes in. I've been a faithful costumer for about 5 years now. The Body Shop has many divine products that really do achieve what they claim to do, and apart from having products worth buying, their prices are affordable. Throughout time I have made some fabulous discoveries from brands like Aveeno, Clean & Clear, Clearasil, Nivea, Loreal, Freeman and Skinplus (a brand from Spain). The thing is, some consumers tend to go for what is more expensive, and big, known brands that claim to perform miracles (appealing advertisement tactics also lure you in!) but really never do. Sometimes one forgets drugstore products that are capable of doing much more than a big brand product (that makes you pay more for less).

One thing I always share with my friends that ask me for skin care advice, is to have a routine! That is how I got rid of my acne and remain with a clear face. Whether you have normal, dry, oily or combination skin, it is important to have a morning and night routine based on your skin type - this would include a face wash, a toner [essential], and a moisturizer with a minimum of spf 20 in it. If you feel like you have the time, add an under eye cream with vitamin E.
My routine isn't concrete throughout the week. My facewash and my moisturizer changes depending if it's day or night, but my toner remains the same.
Remember, it is more than likely that you won't be seeing results the very next day when you use a product. To achieve results, you must be consistent with the products you use, and you must use them day and night. Even the worst cases of acne can be blessed from the simplest products.
A quick list of some of my favourite products are:
  1. The Body Shop Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash [whether or not you have acne/blackheads, it really helps to prevent them]
  2. Aveeno Positively Radiant Moisturizer
  3. The Loreal Paris Waterproof eye makeup remover [sincerely the best make up remover I've ever had!]
  4. The Nivea aqua effect refreshing toner for mixed, oily skin [mattifying and my current toner]
     5. The Body Shop Seaweed Mattifying Day Cream [I swear by it!]

This is just a list of a few wonderful products that I am infatuated with, the ones named have been in my routine for a long time now so they are beyond recommended!

* If you are battling with acne scars, I suggest using an exfoliating face wash like the face wash I first named in the list, it really does help! Exfoliation assists in getting rid of the dead skin cells. The scars won't be gone in one week but with dedication they will surely fade and you will love your skin :)

A few tips:
- If you don't watch what you eat and eat everything your little heart desires (like me), then I would enforce a skin care routine on you vs. someone who takes care of their skin via diet.
- Never pop a zit or squeeze a blackhead with your fingernails! This can lead to acne scars. Use face wash and wait it out, trust me, the better solution!
- Drink lots of water!
- If you are a girl, sleep with your hair tied up, away from your face.
- First thing to do when you wake up is wash your face! Get it over with so you won't forget to do it and then it'll become a natural process.
- Face care is just as important for boys as it is for girls.
- Even if you don't have pimples, still wash your face, tone, and by golly, moisturize!
Finally, do this for yourself. Take care of your skin because it's YOUR skin. But don't get obsessive over it. Results will come.

Sometime this week I will post an in-depth list of my products, their prices, where I got them and how they work.

My hope is that this post served whoever is reading this well and that you do not fail to forget: what is on the inside reflects on the outside.

[If you have any questions please leave a comment!]

Have a wicked Wednesday! ツ
Note: All the face care related advice that I post on here is spoken from personal experience, I'm not a professional. Not every product works the same for every person. If you have a certain skin condition that may be affected by any facial products, please consult a professional before use.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A beautiful soul.

My aunt passed away today. As I was in the hospital by her bed, my mind raced to all the memories I hold of her, from her grey pigtails to her big smiley face, to the beautiful way that she would always offer food every time I went to visit her. You see, I didn't really know her that well. She lived in Peru her whole life, I lived in Canada, so before I came to live here, I didn't really know of her. In the short time that I did get to know her, I was able to see the kind-hearted, noble person that she was. She was like a little kid. Happy with what she had, innocent. She loved her mom very much. She wasn't married, nor did she have kids, but she has 9 brothers and sisters, who today, were right beside her until her very last breath. I remember when I visited her before I went to Europe, she would be in bed and cry for her mom. She wasn't aware of what she had, she didn't understand. I didn't understand why someone like her would be going through this illness, someone who clearly didn't deserve to die at the age that she's passed away.

She was beautiful for who she was, for who she chose to be. I was more than touched to see how her brothers and sisters, all of old age, were there for her, singing her hymns and praying, kissing her forehead and holding her hand. She was bid adieu with love. She was surrounded with love in her last moments. I shed more tears when I realized that she was gone, for I won't be seeing her until I stand before the pearly gates. She's going straight to heaven for sure, I know it. She will be singing hymns with God, flying high and will do all the things she's always wanted to do. God will take great care of this angel.

My message to you is this: Don't take any day for granted. Don't hold grudges. Don't complain, don't limit yourself, don't settle. Don't isolate yourself, don't let one experience determine the way you feel about something. Do live every day to the fullest. Do something nice for yourself, for your family, your friends, strangers. Do spend your time with your family, they will always you unconditionally. Do forgive. Forgive as you would want others to forgive you. Do take risks. Take chances, expand your horizons. Live, live all you can, because every day is not a guarantee. Life is a gift, and precious in it's entirety. Remember, the good outweighs the bad. 
          Rest in peace, Tia Vilma. Forever engraved in our memories.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

About Me ✌

Let's start off by saying that I'm not perfect, but it's what I'm striving for. It's an every day battle, mind you. It's a difficult task to not give in to temptation, to take the easy way out and just not care for how your actions and words affect others, to let go of grudges and just forgive. But, that's why it's called a difficult task, not an impossible one. ☺

Allow me to address the first point about myself - I'm Mormon. Now, for those of you that aren't aware of what a Mormon is, that indulges the question: what is a Mormon? I would more than love to explain it to you, but let's have curiosity run it's course and see what you discover for yourself! Visit http://www.lds.org/?lang=eng if you would really like to know more!

 I live off of food, music, books, writing, and the beautiful life God gave me. My least favourite sport is golf, and if I could be a professional scarer, I would be. Watermelons please my taste buds, green is my favourite color and I sincerely love to make people laugh (and laugh myself!). I view life as a precious gift, which is why I am more than thankful every day I get to see another sunrise. I love the little things, like - the wind flowing through my hair, the laughter of an innocent child, seeing an elderly couple so in love, the sound of a pencil hitting a piece of paper, I live for it all. I have a contagious sense of humour, and an endearing personality, or so I've been told! I have hazel eyes and I'm 5 ft 3. Sometimes I wish I was taller, but then I am reminded of the advantages it is to be "small"!

Thirdly, I can't express how much I love music. Music ignites a feeling in me that takes me to another world where everything is peaceful and safe. I also have a love for art, and a passion for writing. I compose poems, songs and short stories. I am fascinated by history and how much technology and society has advanced since forever ago.

I have many dreams - to travel to places like Greece and Fiji, open my own organization for kids in need, earn my degree and have a career that truly excites me, publish my pieces for others to read and feel inspired, and so much more. All of this which will be accomplished through hard work and consistency.

One piece of advice I always like to give is to laugh, laugh all you can.  Laughter really is the best medicine.

Enough about me, allow me to introduce you to my mind - where my thoughts, ideas and aspirations wander, a world where few dare enter. Are you ready?