Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"I do".

Like Lao Tzu once said, "being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage". Today I witnessed such an act of courage, an act of love from two young individuals that have had quite the journey before this day.

When I entered the room, I saw how lovely my cousin looked. She looked gorgeous with all her makeup done, her flowing white gown, down to her frizzy-free, flawless hair, yet that still didn't take away from the reality of the situation - she's only 18. At 18, she has made a commitment that as a bride and a mother, one hopes is everlasting. She held her groom's hand and walked down the aisle into the main room filled with her loved ones, smiling as she looked around, taking it in that in a few minutes she was not only going to hold the title mother, but she would now be a wife. The ceremony was beautifully pure, and just honest. What really got to me was the following line from her speech at the dinner, which was: Te amo, nada mas, y quiero ser feliz a tu lado.(I love you, nothing more, and I want to be happy by your side). The look of sincerity in her eyes, and the sound of genuineness in her voice, showed me just how much this day meant to her. Today she sealed her future with a kiss, and strengthened her own family more than ever.

A part of me still can't believe it. I recall when I met her in 2010, she was only 15 - taller than me, but the look in her eyes and her personality just screamed youth. Now she's 18, with her own family, and a big future ahead of her. I wish her the best, as a wife, a mother, a daughter and as an individual. Everybody deserves a slice of the happy pie, and surely she has a great one cut out for her ☺

How right must it feel to stand before all the people you care about, next to the man or woman you love the most, to look them right in the eyes and declare your love for them in the most respectable way. To me, legally and emotionally binding yourself to someone represents your incredible love for them. If someone wants to marry you, it is because they accept you for all that you are and all that you are not. They want to spend the rest of their life trying to figure you out, loving you, supporting you, and yes - fighting with you. Contrary to popular belief, fighting in a relationship is suppose to happen. It's okay if it happens. Differing opinions is what makes the world go round, but you must also know how to see eye to eye, to accept different opinions, to be open-minded and to try to fix a situation, not make it worse than it is. Relationships are meant to have ups and downs, so not only will we shed tears of joy and happiness, but tears of anger and sadness. It is inevitable. Sometimes the person we love can drive us out of ever-loving mind, but they also hold the power to magically put a smile on our face, even when we couldn't imagine it possible. Their arms will be the arms we seek to be held with in our saddest moments, their words of comfort and love will be the words we yearn to hear when we feel like we can't go on, just as their presence will be the presence that we are hoping to be right by our side in our most cherished moments.

True love isn't easy. It's not like how you see it in the movies. True love is real, with a balance of happiness and hardships. I believe that true love occurs at the right place, at the right time. You should be with someone that makes you happy more often than not, not with someone that creates pain, instead of laughter. Sadly, sometimes it doesn't work out.  Every so often, two people love each other, but it's just not meant to be. The Mr./Mrs. Right-For-Nows teach you things that will strengthen you and help form you for when Mr. or Mrs. Right comes along. From each trial, there is something you learn. :)
It's amazing, isn't it? How somewhere out there, roams a person that will love us for our grouchiness, stubbornness, indecisiveness - for all the things we don't like about ourselves. Perhaps it is a person that you already know, someone you don't picture yourself with - or someone you've already loved but somehow gone your separate ways. It doesn't matter, for in the end, true love will prevail.

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