Sunday, January 19, 2014

About Me ✌

Let's start off by saying that I'm not perfect, but it's what I'm striving for. It's an every day battle, mind you. It's a difficult task to not give in to temptation, to take the easy way out and just not care for how your actions and words affect others, to let go of grudges and just forgive. But, that's why it's called a difficult task, not an impossible one. ☺

Allow me to address the first point about myself - I'm Mormon. Now, for those of you that aren't aware of what a Mormon is, that indulges the question: what is a Mormon? I would more than love to explain it to you, but let's have curiosity run it's course and see what you discover for yourself! Visit if you would really like to know more!

 I live off of food, music, books, writing, and the beautiful life God gave me. My least favourite sport is golf, and if I could be a professional scarer, I would be. Watermelons please my taste buds, green is my favourite color and I sincerely love to make people laugh (and laugh myself!). I view life as a precious gift, which is why I am more than thankful every day I get to see another sunrise. I love the little things, like - the wind flowing through my hair, the laughter of an innocent child, seeing an elderly couple so in love, the sound of a pencil hitting a piece of paper, I live for it all. I have a contagious sense of humour, and an endearing personality, or so I've been told! I have hazel eyes and I'm 5 ft 3. Sometimes I wish I was taller, but then I am reminded of the advantages it is to be "small"!

Thirdly, I can't express how much I love music. Music ignites a feeling in me that takes me to another world where everything is peaceful and safe. I also have a love for art, and a passion for writing. I compose poems, songs and short stories. I am fascinated by history and how much technology and society has advanced since forever ago.

I have many dreams - to travel to places like Greece and Fiji, open my own organization for kids in need, earn my degree and have a career that truly excites me, publish my pieces for others to read and feel inspired, and so much more. All of this which will be accomplished through hard work and consistency.

One piece of advice I always like to give is to laugh, laugh all you can.  Laughter really is the best medicine.

Enough about me, allow me to introduce you to my mind - where my thoughts, ideas and aspirations wander, a world where few dare enter. Are you ready?

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