Sunday, April 3, 2016

He made the sacrifice, He was the sacrifice.

My heart is great with joy on this calm Sunday evening. Today was not a regular Sunday. Today was a Sunday when we, members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and other sons and daughters got to partake of the General Conference that happens twice a year. I cannot help but feel the timeless love from my Heavenly Father and my Saviour, brother and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He truly is my Prince of Peace. He is the light. I am boundless in His mercy. It makes me quake at the reality of his purity that when he was destined to die on that cross, He cried out to our Father, "forgive them, for they know not what they do". He is and forever will be a symbol of endurance for me. He took it upon himself a role of obedience, love and compassion, not only in the heavens, but on Earth. He remained strong even when everything around him was tempting him to stray. I am thankful for my Father. For His plan is what brought me here today. It is the reason I stand, it is the reason I fight. I believe firmly that we are heirs to eternal life. We have that waiting for us. But, like every good thing worth fighting for, it does not come easy. Eternal life is promised if we choose to be obedient and follow the commandments. Our exaltation is a gift to us from us. We hold that possibility in our hands. We have our spots in the Celestial Kingdom on reserve. It's there. We will see it, if we decide to follow in His footsteps, if we decide to be good people to one another. Our placement is not based on our degrees or our finances or our callings within the church. It all means nothing if we are not acting upon our good desires. Yes, having good desires is a start and we will be blessed for it, as mentioned today in conference, but it is not enough. It is not enough to want to help that homeless man on the street, but instead of taking five minutes out of your busy day to buy him a bottle of water, you drive off. It is not enough to be there every Sunday, ten minutes before sacrament meeting starts, but every day you lack patience in your teachings with your children, or you neglect love toward your spouse. I know we are not perfect, and this writer is so far from it, but I am willing. I am here. I think every day is a monumental opportunity to ask yourself: What good can I do in the world today?

I am beyond blessed to live in this time. My gratitud is impalpable. My love for this gospel, it's leaders, my Celestial Father and my Saviour is indefinable. I am appreciative of the trials, for they bring out a stronger me. To whoever is reading this, nothing in this life will be easy, that I guarantee you. You will face many challenges as we live in this spiritual war. One of our secret weapons is our knowledge. Never forget: You are a daughter and a son of a King. You rejoiced in His plan, which is why you made the choice to leave His wondeful side, and come down on this Earth, to grow, and to endure. You have a brother whose presence is found in kindess, charity and laughter. We have a plan, we have a goal. We have our eternal families. No matter what happens in life, nothing can take those gracious blessings from us. Be strong. He is always, always with you. The distance between Him and you is the distance between your knees and the floor. Have faith. 

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