Sunday, September 21, 2014

"We know the Lord makes His servants bold."

Have you ever been so sure of something, that something was completely true, that you would defend it with your life? That's how I felt today. Today was a reaffirmation of what I believe in.

I had the opportunity to be present at the Ogden temple dedication, here in Richmond, Utah.
I was able to see Henry B. Eyring, Jeffrey R. Holland and other leaders through a projector screen. But even then, I was overwhelmed with the spirit. I saw these two men standing before me, declaring and proclaiming the gospel's truth to all those that were there to bear witness of the event today. I saw them let go of tears of joys as they too, felt the spirit so strongly. I admire those men, for their steady testimonies that do not quake upon pressure or the things of the world. I appreciate their existence, for they guide us in the right direction and share with us what our Heavenly Father wants us to know.

I testify to you, to whoever may be reading this, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church here on this Earth. I know this. I believe this with every fiber of my being. It makes me want to cry tears of pure happiness to know that I have had the blessing to have been born in the gospel. It is a great joy and comfort to know that my Heavenly Father exists, that He loves us infinitely, so much that He sacrificed His only Begotten Son and that our brother, our Redeemer, went through all that He did here on Earth so that we may be saved through the Atonement of Christ. Sometimes I ponder, what if I hadn't been born in the church? I think my heart would've called for this gospel, for because I hold a strong testimony of my faith, I am more than anxious to preach what I know to all my lost and troubled brothers and sisters. I can bring them home. I know I can. I know, perhaps not to the fullest extent, but I know my divine potential. I know that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me. He has given me gifts and talents that are meant to be shared, and I know that in the pre-mortal existence I rejoiced in making sacred covenants with Him.

It is at this time in my life that I know I am to serve a mission. That journey is already set, all that's left is for me to embark on it. Life is a result of choices. I choose to serve a mission. Although I have not been called yet by the prophet, I have been called so in the pre-mortal existence, by my Heavenly Father and have forever engraved my nametag on my heart. I don't doubt that being a missionary will be difficult, I know that the wonderful things in life are meant to be fought for.

 I choose to fight for my Father and Heaven.

My name is Laura, I am a latter day saint, and a daughter of a King.

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