Friday, February 26, 2016

A Child of God

One of my all time favourite things about being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is having an eternal, loving perspective all year 'round. I have become exceptionally good at seeing things beyond what the eye can see.

 Recently, my cousin's younger brother, Jared, had a birthday. It was quite the shindig for a one year old that I'm sure didn't quite know why all these people had invaded his home. At one point during the party, I proceeded to go upstairs to lie down on my cousin's bed, as a result of my intake of candy. When I walked into my cousin's room, I saw a picture of him hanging above his bed. It was a simple picture - he was sitting on a tree with his face resting on his fist, such a casual pose. What did strike me was the light of purity in his face. His innocence was so impeccable that it made me feel such a sense of clarity with what I was seeing.

 Parents have a huge responsibility, gift and power to alter and influence their children´s lives. Babies come into this world untouched , unaware of the technologies or temptations of the world. The first emotion they get a taste of is their mother's love, then their father's protection. They are a blank canvas just itching to be painted. They seek love, wisdom, guidance and secuirty - but also liberty to grow. I am one to vouch for free agency but I cannot begin to explain the great importance that is to have steady role models in the younger, forming years. It is crucial to have a loving and supportive enviornment so that children can feed their curiousities and ideas. Parents are indeed part of the shaping process of a child. Parents. A father and a mother. Children need gender specific support, and to recieve it, there needs to be sincere support within a marriage. "Choose your love. Love your choice". Prophet Thomas S. Monson said that once. Marriage is inevitably an everlasting trial but it is also an everlasting blessing. It is to be seeked when you are ready to give it all you have and appreciate the flaws of your spouse; loving them for who they are now and for who they can be.

What really touched me of this photograph was knowing that my cousin Joshua was absolute. He is untainted, he is clean. He is clean because he chooses the right on the basis of what his parents have taught him. He is clean because he goes to church weekly and feels that he is a Child of God. He feels his Father's love and knows that the path to righteousness is lit, it is His.

I am beyond grateful for such a remarkable power, like a mother's love. I know for a fact that my aunt's love and consistency is a contributing factor to the current state of my baby cousins. A mother's love is infinite. I have that in my life, and I have nurtured my own love throughout the years as I have experienced being in that role. My mother's love is true. My mother's love is constant, perhaps not always through words but through gestures of kindness and teachings. I see myself in my mother, and many times my mother sees herself in me. I have been created literally in her image, and we have been created in His. If their nobility, compassion and kindess are all the gifts I could ever have recieved in this life, that is divinely okay with me.

I know that one day, I will have the God sent blessing of being a co-creator with God. I'm excited for showing my future children the hidden glories on this Earth, the upside of every downside and that laughter really can heal a broken heart. I am excited for being there in every moment, for earning the title of best friend, for embarrasing them both intentionally and unintentionally and to teach them that mom and dad really are a team.

"We believe that the ultimate treasure on Earth and in heaven are our children."
- Elder Dallin H. Oaks